Mission to Kenya 2005

Monday, January 17, 2005


Following tea at the School for the Deaf, we drove to Kenya Methodist University where we met with the Vice Chancellor (a former cardiologist) and then had a walking tour of the campus. He noted that this school is a Christian college located in a rural area of Kenya. They school considers community service and employing women to be very important (to "empower homes").

This is a very young college but is growing fast. They have over 1200 students enrolled but only have housing for about 200.

They have a beautiful new administration building, a fine library building that needs more books and a large chapel (can seat up to 1700 in a pinch).

The last building we visited housed the women's project which was started in the 1980's (before it was a college). The one story, two room building housed a kitchen and a "restaurant" that had just opened today! The curriculum is what we might call "culinary arts and restaurant administration."

Interesting note: The campus is lined with electric fencing along one side to keep the elephants off the campus grounds. We didn't see any but the campus abuts the route elephants take when moving between the grasslands and the forests of Mt Kenya.


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