Mission to Kenya 2005

Saturday, January 15, 2005


Waiting to be picked up

VIM team members were picked up at the Bio-Intensive Agricultural Center by host families. The eighteen members were divided amongst 9 local households -- all members of the Kaaga Church.

We had dinner at our host family's home and visited before retiring for the evening.

I am one of four members staying with Steven and Florence Mubichi. They have a beautiful home and we are very comfortable. After I finished posting to the weblog last night, I enjoyed a leisurely scrub in the tub with hot water and fluffy towels and a comfortable bed! Yeah.

It was fun to compare experiences with our fellow team members when we met back up this morning. Staying with host families is a wonderful way to learn how Kenyans live and think!

The Mubichis have a computer in their home and it is connected to the Internet (a real luxury in Kenya) which is how I am able to get this information posted to the weblog.

So, thank you, Florence and Steven!


Barbara and Cindy stayed with Mrs. Judith Mbobua
Virgie and Summer stayed with M&M Stanley Mwithimbu
Gay and Shirley stayed with Judy Kaburu
Rebecca and Jennifer M stayed with M&M Erastus
Darlene and Helen stayed with Doris Mwirichia
Alfred stayed with M&M Jonathan Muriungi
Beth stayed with M&M Jane Kirera
Scott, Sandra, Jennifer P and Jean stayed with Steven & Florence Mubichi


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