Why we need so many vans to travel!
The van drivers took the long route around the west side of Mt Kenya so we could stop half way at the equator for a rest stop and shopping. So it took 7 hours when it cxould have taken 3 1/2 to 4. But the terrain was beautiful. All along the paved, divided highway, we saw people travelling along the side of the road. Some walked and either carried umbrellas to shade themselves from the sun or huge bundles on their backs. Others had bicycles – often the person walked and balanced a huge load on the bike. Occasionally we saw people travelling in rudimentary carts drawn either by donkeys or oxen. Along the roadside were cattle, goats and sheep. A few were tethered but most were tended by young boys.
The villages we passed through on the way had unpaved roads filled with ruts, holes, large rocks, trash and wandering cows, goats, pigs and an occasional dog. The streets are lined with makeshift retail stalls made mostly from sticks. There was lots of retail activity in view and probably considerable bartering. Stalls sell everything from fruit and vegetables to clothes and wood carvings. You can get your shoes resoled with carpet material for a few shillings.
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